drip painting

inspired by ian davenport

lesson plan by former learning coordinator victoria brill

Ian Davenport, Spring (Bluebonnet), installation shot of Horizons at Dallas Contemporary, 2019.

ian davenport, spring (bluebonnet), installation shot of horizons at dallas contemporary, 2019.

create colorful drip paintings inspired by english abstract painter ian davenport. considering memory + color relationships, this lesson plan will walk you through techniques used by davenport to create an at-home, abstract masterpiece.

all ages


  • acrylic paint

  • squeeze bottles 

  • cardboard tri-fold display board

  • drop cloth or plastic sheet

  • tape

  • color pencils or crayons

  • paper

step 1

picture in your mind a very important personal memory.

recall all of the details from that memory, focusing greatly on the colors that were present.

many of ian davenport's drip paintings begin with these types of memories.

for example, davenport’s drip painting spring (bluebonnet) was created from a memory of a bluebonnet field he and his wife visited while on vacation. 

this painting is filled with all of the colors attached to his memory of that day.

step 2

once you have a clear image in your mind, create a color study.

davenport always begins his drip painting by fleshing out a color study, or map of colors, that will help to organize his composition.

using a sheet of paper + colored pencils, or crayons, plan out the sequence of colors you will be using to represent your memory. 

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step 3

cover your workspace with a plastic drop cloth to protect your floors and walls from any spills.

this activity will require the help of a stable wall.

step 4

set up your painting surface.

turn your tri-fold display board on its side.

lay one of the front flaps flat on the ground.

using the wall as a back support, open the other flap so that your board is now in an L shape.

secure the board to the wall using tape or push pins.

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step 5

fill your squeeze bottles with acrylic paint. 

with your color study in mind, create a variety of colors by mixing different paints together in one bottle.

carefully add + mix in a tiny bit of water to each paint filled squeeze bottle to thin out the paint so that it pours smoothly. 

be careful not to make the paint too watery.

it should have the consistency of thick syrup. 

step 6

begin dripping your paint!

carefully hold the squeeze bottle up at the top of the surface.

tip the bottle over, + gently squeeze so that the paint runs smoothly down the surface in a straight line.

stop pouring paint once the line reaches the bottom.

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step 7

repeat step 6 with other colors until the entire surface is striped with paint.

try to put colors next to each other that work well to convey what was seen + felt in your particular memory.

step 8

give your drip painting time to dry (at least 48 hours).

once dry, display your painting in a unique way!


what was the importance surrounding your memory that made you select it for this project?

what kinds of emotions do you feel when recalling this memory?

has the moment you are remembering had an effect on your life?

what might have contributed to your selection of these colors in this particular order?

what might others feel or understand about you by looking at your drip painting?

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