dallas contemporary is an arts space that has the privilege of presenting the vanguard of contemporary artistic practice and artistic production through exhibitions, performances, and public programs, which are all equally part of our curatorial mission. we believe that discourse, activity, and the display of art objects work together to advance our understanding of the art of this moment. and as a non-collecting art space—a kunsthalle—dc is able to nimbly navigate the dynamic and uneven places that contemporary art, in all its many forms, might take us, pushing boundaries and challenging viewers to grow their definitions of art while also offering space for beauty and reflection. by virtue of this flexible, generous nature, dallas contemporary is at the locus of innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration in the arts, in dallas and well beyond.

we’re proud of dc’s nearly half a century at the forefront of contemporary art, and we know that with the help of a strong community of friends and advocates, we can continue to grow in excellence. the dallas contemporary 2023 gala raises vital operating funds for the museum to continue presenting new and challenging ideas through exhibitions, unparalleled public programming, and education initiatives for students of all ages—all at free admission.